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Keep It Up

Hey everyone! So todays topic is Keep it up. What does that mean well that just means keep doing what is right also we will be making a...

Weaving Hope

Hi everyone! We have really missed you and we have now made a differnt company now to help children so please visit...

Good Bye

Hey everyone! You are all probably wondering what this title means. Well I know I have not posted in a while but this year idk if we are...

Earth Day

Welcome back! Todays topic is Earth day. Well many people know what Earth day is about, but you don't know what we are doing about it....


Hey Everybody! Todays topic is about Volunteering. What is Volunteering well it is when you Volunteer to do something, in are case you...


Hey Guys! Welcome back todays topic is about plastic. Imagine yourself going to the beach for a nice relaxing vacation. You feel...


Hey Everyone! Sorry I have not posted in a while. Ok so todays topic is bracelets. So since March is over there is no crab bracelets...


Hi everyone i just wanted to let you guys no that we have 2 new events! One is plastic creater and we are having a challenge where you...


Hey everyone! Today's topic is about Recycling. I know me and Emersyn has made a video about this but I thought to blog about it for you...


Hey everyone! Todays topic is Positivity. So if your positive you could brighten someones day. Also look on the bright side don't always...


Hey Guys! Today's topic is are sales that we have for presidents day! Everything is 50 cents off. We also are making new bracelet for...

You Can Do Anything

Hi guys welcome back! Today's topic is You Can Do Anything. So yo can do anything you want to do so if you dream it you can do it. Like...


Hello everyone! Today's topic is 4ocean and so what they do is they go into the ocean and pull 1 pound of trash out of the ocean when...

Blog: Blog2
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